Geometry of complex surface singularities and 3-manifolds - Neumann Institute for Advanced Study 58:45 8 years ago 2 086 Далее Скачать
3-manifolds, Lipschitz geometry and Equisingularity (Walter Neumann) efrain vega 41:38 9 years ago 142 Далее Скачать
Walter Neumann: Lipschitz embedding of complex surfaces Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 55:17 9 years ago 6 857 Далее Скачать
JDG 2017: Dan Freed, Complex Chern-Simons Invariants of 3-Manifolds and Abelianization Harvard Mathematics Department 41:51 7 years ago 1 303 Далее Скачать
Geometry of 3-manifolds and Complex Chern-Simons Theory Harvard CMSA 1:08:35 7 years ago 873 Далее Скачать
3 families of K3 surfaces - Daniel Huybrechts Geometry and TACoS 1:02:41 4 years ago 903 Далее Скачать
William Thurston, The mystery of 3-manifolds Clay Mathematics Institute 58:41 4 years ago 1 459 Далее Скачать
Gérard Besson: Some open 3-manifolds Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 51:36 9 years ago 296 Далее Скачать
Wahl, Jonathan (University of North Carolina)/ Smoothings of complex normal surface singularities 2 Mathnet Korea 1:00:06 7 years ago 78 Далее Скачать